Wednesday, March 4, 2009

A Tip for Those With LCD Computer Screens (i.e. most of us)

Well, while Blackle is all fine and good for those people who still use CRT monitors (i.e. the giant, bulbous, old-school ones), it turns out that Blackle only results in significant energy savings if your monitor is stuck in the 1990s. Most people these days have LCD screens...think laptops and flatscreens. Therefore, the best and easiest way to save a few watts on your laptops is...drumroll please...turn down your monitor's brightness! Pretty obvious, right? But, I know from experience that even smart people don't think of that simple tip. Another added bonus to reducing your screens wattage is longer battery life, so you'll be thanking me for multiple reasons next time your trying to watch Wedding Crashers, crammed into an Amtrak Coach seat on your way to NYC from DC.

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