Watched it? Yeah...I'll give you a second to breathe/recover/process...
I know it's not about the environment specifically, but the implications of the information it contains are mind boggling. Two things really stood out to me. The first was the population statistics in the beginning. I firmly believe that overpopulation is one of if not THE greatest environmental concerns our planet faces. Without getting too technical (and likely stating the obvious), the earth has a finite amount of resources and therefore a finite carrying capacity (i.e. the number of people it can sustain). Once you surpass, say, the number of people that can be supported by the earth's total fresh water, you run into some problems...catch my drift? Living in EXPONENTIAL times is not a good thing when it comes to population.
However, the second thing that struck me was the speed at which we are technologically advancing. Advancing at an exponential rate in that area may just be the thing that saves us...who knows? Are we making strides in the right direction to create the technologies that will allow us to clean up our messes and live sustainably? One can only hope so...
So, will our story be like WALL-E, or will it be...actually, I don't know of any movies where humans destroy the environment and then come up with a way to save it. Readers, any suggestions?
Technological Singularity.