A quick search of "organic vodka" on Google turns up plenty of results, so apparently, there are lots of organic options out there. In fact, Green Daily did a nice, little article that sums up some of the pros and cons of the various green choices, and since I don't have the money or the liver to try them all out (in a timely fashion), I'll let GD do it for me. Anyway, if I was going to start making the "green choice," I was more interested on the effect that organic vodka might have on my wallet than whether it "has a scent of deep pears." Let's be honest, unless it's a special occasion or our boss is buying, we drink well drinks, and as long as the vodka doesn't make us gag or sear off our tastebuds, we're going to drink it (I drank enough Popov in college that I generally avoid going there). Therefore, I was very pleasantly surprised to discover that Rain Organic Vodka is a mere $12.99 for 750ml. I mean, if Popov is $9.99, you know you're getting a deal. And guess what?!?! Rain even tastes good! Seriously, lots of reviewers agreed on that.
So this is a no-brainer, right? Cheap, delicious, organic...let's all start buying Rain for our pre-game cocktails and requesting Rain (or other organic options) at our local bars and clubs. Then maybe, just maybe, the booze gods will smile down at us because of all the pesticides we're avoiding, and make our hangovers that much more bearable.
PS According to their website, this is a Rainy Sundae (cheesy and delicious-sounding):
Fill blender with ice
Pour 2 parts coffee over ice and let cool
2 scoops vanilla ice cream
2 parts Rain
1 part coffee liqueur
1 squirt chocolate syrup
Blend until smooth. Pour into glass. Garnish with whipped topping, chocolate syrup, and a cherry
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