Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Green Light Reflections

Readers, I have a great blog written by a very good friend from college that you all should check out: Green Light Reflections. GLR (we're all about acronyms at here at YBG) documents my buddy's attempts to adopt a greener lifestyle, as well as shares his thoughts, tips, ramblings, and developments relevant to the "green" movement as he sees it. Because my friend is being Bobby Bigtime and is too cool to let his identity out to the e-masses (shhh, I can't blow his cover), I get to be all cryptic about his identity...but let's just say we went to college together, he may or may not have a twin, and he's an all-around awesome, closet eco-geek. Anyway, check out's definitely worth a read.

1 comment:

  1. Dale, I think you mean he's Billy Bigtime. His twin is Bobby :)
