Now that the garden has been in the ground a few weeks, I thought an update might be appropriate. I'll admit; the situation is quite different that I expected. When we put the plants in, San Francisco had not yet received its first rain of the season. However, in the past few weeks, water has fallen from the sky in measurable quantities a few times. This was great for our herbs and veggies, especially with the days of full sun we've been receiving in between showers, but....ah, has also been phenomenal for the WEEDS. Seriously, who knew there were so many weeds just waiting for their moment to spring up back there?!!?
Our backyard has gone from a concrete slab with a dirt border to a veritable weed garden of Eden. There is no bare dirt to be seen anywhere...and this is after I spent two hours weeding the vegetable section of the garden last weekend. It's like I was never even out there.
The moral of this story is that, while the veggies are growing relatively well (the peas and basil are struggling, I'll admit), the weeds are growing even better. It's time to research an organic option for permanent weed removal. My neighbor recommended a water and vinegar mix. I'll let you know how it goes.