Monday, March 29, 2010

Moving on...

As I'm sure you've guessed, YBG is taking an extended break. During its prime, YBG served as an outlet for my thoughts and creative/green needs while at a job that was decidedly unchallenging. However, after making the switch to Tesla, I not only haven't found the time to write thoughtful posts (I'm just returning from a 4-day event in Vancouver...big fan of that city and its extremely nice people), but I also haven't felt the need. I finally have a challenging position with a fun company who I firmly believe is changing the world (just ask the CEO of GM). The excess energies that used to be channeled into YBG are now channeled into work, which is a first for me...and I love it. I hope you can all live without my sporadic, mildly helpful blog posts because I doubt there will be any for a good long while. Thanks for reading, and I'll check-in every now and then to let y'all know how things are going.

And yes, I do see that irony in the fact that I blogged about living YBG and now I'm selling cars that start at $109K. If it's any consolation, I most definitely still live YBG!

Thanks again!!!